Friday, March 27, 2015

Making the Soda Bottle into a Dome

OK, we have a plan for the improvised display dome to use with the gourd automata (well, the single ones -- not the multiple gourd automata).  First, cut off the threaded top using a PVC pipe cincher. It makes  clean cut and because it ratchets in steps, there is some control and very little leftover cutting debris. Once done, a spinner gourd makes a nice plug. Then, it is a simple matter of using an Xacto blade or scissors to cut the fluted bottom off to make the dome a suitable height for whatever it will be covering. The edge can nestled into a groove cut into a gourd base - awesome!

Now, having done all this, I decided to go with a dancing chicken trio for the first trial of gourd movements. However, there will be other gourdies coming!  Can you be patient for the dancing pig?  The butcher? The handyman?  Oh MY -- the possibilities!

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