Wednesday, January 27, 2016

It's Time to Spread the Gourd News!

Yes, it's time to spread the gourd news of movin' and groovin' to other like-minded people. Automata can be made from wood, metal, plastic, paper, etc., but the time has come to let gourds come front a center. They are a natural fit with mechanical movements: light, similar to wood, can be decorated, and because of their naturally unusual shapes can hold a viewer's attention.

When this blog began, I was interested in approaching gourds from a new angle. As I learned more about the science and math behind movement, I admit I became overwhelmed. However, now the knowledge has come full circle, all the way back to simplicity where movement is as basic as what do I want my gourd to do?  Given a base and a crank, how can I put together pieces of gourd that will make the action happen?

Basic skills, a basic understanding of what shapes do, and we are off and running!